Schools Engagement Programme

Schools Engagement Programme Pilot

The Power of Events has made significant progress in the Schools Engagement Programme since the pilot launched in January 2024. Supported by Events Industry Forum (EIF) grant funding, here are some significant highlights:

Engaged 6500 young people from 35 schools, significantly enhancing their understanding of the events industry as a viable career path

Understanding of the UK Events Industry increased to 64% post-presentation, from 1% initially

Received hugely positive feedback from ambassadors
The Power of Events team are working hard to expand the reach of the Schools Engagement Programme across all four nations, to deliver widespread awareness and enthusiasm of the broad range of career opportunities in the UK Events Industry for young people.

The Schools Engagement Programme Future Visits
Active Ambassadors
Future Visits
Estimated Young People Engaged

Where Next?

The Power of Events Schools Engagement Programme is rolling out into four new regions from October 2024 including Birmingham, Hertfordshire, South Coast of England (Portsmouth , Brighton, Eastbourne) and Edinburgh, joining the pilot region in the East of England.
This would not be possible without the generous contributions of the Schools Engagement Programme Regional Sponsors:
Birmingham Region

Edinburgh Region

Hertfordshire Region

South Coast Region

East of England Region (pilot)

The Power of Events would like to invite all of our partners and supporters to get involved in the programme by sponsoring the rollout into their local regions and/or volunteering as a Regional Schools Ambassador.
Your support directly impacts thousands of young people enriching their professional prospects.

Volunteer as a
Regional Schools Ambassador

The Power of Events team links schools with available dates for ambassadors to present either in Year Group assemblies or across individual classrooms, with teachers present at all times. The presentation deck is an overview including a video, interactive quiz, content/imagery showcasing the 7 sectors and 5 core routes into industry – previous in depth knowledge and experience across all of these is not necessary.
Ambassadors are given a briefing session with the deck by the team in advance to ensure they are comfortable with the content and interactive elements, as well all meeting logistics info.
Branded lanyards are also given to the ambassador to distribute to every young person they present to during/after the short Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
Calls to Action
The ambassadors finish with some simple calls to action for the young people – referencing the check list of multiple next step actions as well as the QR code as laid out on the lanyards given to each of them. This includes exploring The Power of Events platform with teachers, parents, guardians and carers as well as contributing to the schools feedback forms provided by the teachers.
Forward Momentum:
There are already 150+ schools ambassadors signed up to deliver across future regions throughout the UK, with a mission to increase this support as more regions launch and the programme’s impact and profile develops.
Together, let’s unlock the potential of our young people and build a brighter future for all.

Sponsor Your Local Region Of The
Schools Engagement Programme

Sponsorship Investment:
With the pilot phase achieving unparalleled success, The Power of Events is poised to broaden horizons and deliver the cross four nations rollout. The sponsorship investment for a region scales by size of region and level of exclusivity.

Regional Sponsorship:
This could be a contribution as part of a collaborative sponsorship network of a approximately 4-8 organisations in the same region. Align with like-minded businesses, each dedicated to the growth and sustainability of the UK Events Industry.
Or alternatively, there is the opportunity to be sole sponsor for your region.

Supporting this programme is not just a business decision; it’s the right thing to do. By investing in the education and development of our future event professionals, sponsors will contribute to progression of the entire events industry.
As with PAL compliancy (see below), DEI considerations are central to this programme. Therefore young people in SEND schools, (ie Disabled and Autistic specialist schools), as well as those in alternative education support centres such as those in care, self excluded or have suffered severe bullying in mainstream, are also a core focus with a pilot trial in planning in regions.
Your involvement can boost your commitment to your organisations CSR culture, employee empowerment and local community support, reinforcing the positive image of your brand within the industry.
Compliance and Importance of Provider Access Legislation (PAL)
Along with being peer reviewed by a panel of industry experts spanning all 7 sectors, the programme is also fully compliant with the Provider Access Legislation (PAL).
PAL mandates schools to provide opportunities for pupils to learn about various career paths every year that they are in secondary education.
Compliance with PAL is crucial as it ensures that all pupils, regardless of background, have access to diverse and unbiased information about potential career opportunities, facilitating a well-rounded decision-making process for their future careers.
By adhering to this policy, The Power of Events Schools Engagement Programme not only upholds legal standards but also promotes inclusivity and accessibility in career education.

Sponsorship Impact:
With each region the Schools Engagement Programme reaches, your support amplifies the core content message of the presentation. This will directly impact the lives of thousands of young people and support the vibrancy of the UK Events Industry for years to come. Your sponsorship will not only underwrite the costs of rolling out to new schools but will also support The Power of Events organsation.

To discuss the sponsorship opportunities further
& to find the right fit for your organisation,
please contact The Power of Events today.
Together, we can tap into the potential of young people across the UK and future proof the UK Events Industry.

The Power of Events vision is to be the most representative, effective & collaborative showcase of the UK Events Industry.
Help achieve this vision by becoming a Schools Engagement Programme Sponsor or Regional Schools Ambassador today