Night Time Economy Report 2023
About the study
This is the second Study of Night Time Economy. It has been commissioned by the NTIA to fully understand the economic contribution and significance of the night time cultural economy (NTCE) to the UK economy. It also situates the NTCE within the wider UK night-time economy (NTE) and the overall ‘out of home’ leisure economy (OHLE).
The definition used here for the NTE includes all those sub-sectors within the OHLE that primarily serve the evening or night time consumer, i.e., 6pm to 6am.
The NTCE focuses on those elements of the NTE that are driven by cultural and leisure activities – with less dependence upon retailing food and drink than the wider OHLE.
As sectors that were amongst the worst affected by the Covid 19 pandemic (and are still recovering), the NTIA argues that the NTCE and NTE are still not accorded the importance economically (or indeed socially and culturally) that they deserve.
The leading leisure consultants CGA and night time economy specialists MAKE Associates were asked to re-model the data and update the baseline figures set out in the first Study of Night Time Economy, in order to build a picture of how the industry is recovering from the pandemic.
It is too early to understand the statistical impact of the current cost of living crisis on our industry: this will be the subject of the next iteration of this study.