University Partner Profile
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University of Westminster

The University of Westminster is one of the UK’s leading providers of events research and education. The University hosts a well regarded MA in Event Design and Management, and a popular BA (Hons) in Tourism and Events. The location of the University in the heart of London means the University of Westminster is well connected to many parts of the events sector. The staff team includes several prominent academics (a professor, a reader and several senior lecturers) who specialise in a range of fields; including outdoor festivals, strategic events creation, sport mega-events, arts festivals, exhibitions and conferences. We also host PhD students focusing on events topics. Staff have produced a range of significant publications including books and journal articles. Several of the staff team combine their academic roles with jobs in the events industry, ensuring Westminster’s courses are strongly connected to the requirements of the events sector.

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The event industry’s reliance on data to help it plan for the future, increase its resilience, manage risk and justify investment decisions, is growing year on year.

The engagement and access that The Power of Events (UK) has across all 7 sectors of the industry, enables data gathering and in-depth research projects to be delivered confidently and consistently. This will be primarily facilitated through the new insight app to be launched on 28th Sep 2023.

By bringing the industry and university partners together, research projects will be designed to deliver real benefits to the industry in terms of trend analysis, insights and performance improvements.

Our Supporters
Drawn from across the seven core sectors the Power of Events (UK) supporters are committed to showcasing the UK Event Industry.
Our Partners
The Power of Events (UK) partners are collaborating to share research, data and insights for the benefit of the whole UK Events Industry.