TPi Magazine
Since 1998, TPi [Total Production International] has been the definitive authority on live events production. Featuring on-site interviews with the world’s most respected crew members as well as in-depth discussions with R&D departments creating the technology powering live events, TPi pulls back the curtain on an often ‘invisible’ industry, sharing backstage stories from the talented people who make artist dreams a reality. Our bimonthly publication is circulated to 6,974 individuals and companies in 87 countries. Our digital magazine receives an average monthly readership of 1,878, with website traffic reaching 17,847 active users per month. In recent years, TPi has expanded its digital footprint with TPi Talks – a web series and podcast with some of the biggest and brightest names in the sector. TPi also hosts in-person events – most notably the TPi Awards, which honours the work of individuals and companies in the sector. Attended by 1,700 industry professionals, it is the ultimate annual networking opportunity for the touring world.
Regional Coverage:
East Midlands, East of England, London, North East, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber