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Mental Health First Aid Training

This online Mental Health First Aider Course is particularly pertinent right now where we might be concerned about ourselves or our colleagues in this challenging time. This course is the mental health equivalent of physical first aid. The training provides participants with the skills and confidence to recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues and effectively guide a person towards the right support.

LIVE Talks: Mental Health First Aid and the Music Industry

online event

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, Music Support, the charity that helps those who work in music and live events affected by mental ill-health and/or addiction, invites you to join us for a discussion surrounding the importance of Mental Health First Aid in the music industry. Norman Beecher, the charity’s Senior Learning & Development Specialist and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England instructor, will provide an overview of their fully-accredited MHFA training course which they have delivered to more than 400 of our industry peers. Norman will also be joined by two of Music Support’s MHFA alumni who will share their reasons for taking the training, how they found it and how it has impacted them, both professionally and personally. Date: Tuesday, 16th May, 2023 Time: 12:00pm – 13:00pm BST Location: Online FREE to attend Sign up to secure your place here: For more information on LIVE […]

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The event industry’s reliance on data to help it plan for the future, increase its resilience, manage risk and justify investment decisions, is growing year on year.

The engagement and access that The Power of Events (UK) has across all 7 sectors of the industry, enables data gathering and in-depth research projects to be delivered confidently and consistently. This will be primarily facilitated through the new insight app to be launched on 28th Sep 2023.

By bringing the industry and university partners together, research projects will be designed to deliver real benefits to the industry in terms of trend analysis, insights and performance improvements.

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Drawn from across the seven core sectors the Power of Events (UK) supporters are committed to showcasing the UK Event Industry.
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The Power of Events (UK) partners are collaborating to share research, data and insights for the benefit of the whole UK Events Industry.